Passionate neuroscientist dedicated to unraveling neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer's. From
a chance
encounter with "Alzheimer's" in 2016, I've evolved into a committed researcher. My expertise lies in
developing early
AD prediction frameworks, utilizing neuroimaging and explainable AI models. Currently, at the Centre for Brain
Research, I explore population-level dynamics in rural India, decoding brain pathological changes associated
amnestic mild cognitive impairment.
- 2021 - 2023
- Master's in Cognitive and Brain Sciences
- Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India
- 2018 - 2021
- Bachelor's in Zoology and Biotechnology
- College of Basic Science and Humanities, Bhubaneswar, India
Work Experience
- May 2023 - Present
- Research Assisstant at Centre for Brain Research, IISc
- Working with Dr. Jonas S. Sundarakumar on developing explainable deep-learning
tools within SANSCOG study for the identification of risk and protective factors for
dementia in community-dwelling cohort. Exploring the application of AI/ML in
translation dementia research; focus on multimodal approach by seamlessly
integrating socio-demographic, health risk factors and neuroimaging data for new
- 1. Shilna Azhuvalappil; Raghav Prasad; Pravin Sahadevan; Hitesh Pradhan* ; Pooja Rai; Jonas S.
Sex-specific differences in the association between APOE genotype and
metabolic syndrome among middle-aged and older rural Indians, DOI:
- 2. Sumedha Mitra, Raghav Prasad, Pravin Sahadevan, Hitesh Pradhan*, Jonas S Sundarakumar
Role of Pulmonary Health on Cognitive Performance in an Aging Rural Indian Cohort: Insights on COPD and
PRISm from the CBR-SANSCOG Study, Preprint available at:
- 3. Shilna Azhuvalappil, Raghav Prasad, Pravin Sahadevan, Priya Chatterjee, Hitesh Pradhan*,
Pooja Rai,
Anant Gupta, Reddy Peera Kommaddi, Thomas G Issac, Jonas S Sundarakumar
Association between APOE genotypes and Metabolic Syndrome in a Middle Aged and Elderly Urban South Indian
DOI: 10.1016/j.metop.2024.100301
- 4. Hitesh Pradhan*, Raghav Prasad, Priya Chatterjee, Jonas S Sundarakumar
Association of social network diversity with brain volume and cognitive performance in rural aging Indians
(Manuscript under preparation),
accepted at AAIC Advancements: Modernizing Diagnosis, Tokyo 2024
- 5. Hitesh Pradhan*, Raghav Prasad, Priya Chatterjee, Jonas S Sundarakumar
Influence of menopause on cognitive functioning in aging Indian women: A cross-sectional study
(Manuscript under preparation), Abstract accepted at AAIC, Philadephia 2024
- 6. Hitesh Pradhan*, Sulakshana Aggarwal, V.L. Remrautpuia, Jonas S Sundarakumar
Association of anemia with brain volume and cognitive performance in rural aging Indians
(Manuscript under preparation)